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Tuesday evening's A -Group ride is usually faster than Thursday's ride with the emphasis on cycling in a tight group at a consistent pace.

Slower A-Group riders may drop back to then be picked up by the following B-Group, subject to number or riders.

Location: Aldi Car Park (Standish)


Time: Leaving at 6:30PM


Length: Typically 25-35 miles.



Please check ride details each week.


Wednesday evening's ride is an 'all ability' ride, for beginner riders and experienced riders alike. the focus is on allowing all members of the group to ride safely and achieve together. We also have similar rides on Saturday mornings too.  

Location: Aldi Car Park (Standish)

Time: Leaving at 6:30PM 

Length: Typically 20 miles.





Please check ride details each week.


Thursday evening's ride is a no-drop ride with participants split into the various groups to suit their riding ability.

Location: Aldi Car Park (Standish)


Time: Leaving at 6:30PM


Length: Typically 25-35 miles.



Please check ride details each week.


Sunday's ride is traditionally a longer no-drop ride incorporating a cafe stop along the route.
The speed is dependant on the riders out on the day but will typically be around 16mph. 

C-Group's route may be shorter to reflect riders' ability. 

Location: Aldi Car Park (Standish)

Time: Leaving at 8:30AM (Dependant on weather conditions and route)

Length: Typically 45-80 miles.

Please check ride details each week.

All of our club rides start at Aldi car park and finish at the Black Bull, Market Street, Standish. 

All routes are posted a day in advance on Strava and in the WhatsApp members group.  Please download the routes to your bike computer prior to the ride. If you do not have a bike computer then please ensure you know the route and how to get home on your own if necessary. 

The rides may change or be cancelled due to adverse weather conditions so please check for updates on Strava or WhatApp.

Depending on numbers and riders' ability rides may be split into the 3 different groups shown below: (Speeds are average speeds over the full distance.)




(Faster on Tuesday's chain style ride).







(Social - Dependant on rider ability).

Any riders wishing to join, must let the ride organiser know. (See Strava or WhatsApp). They must also inform them if you intend to leave the ride earlier than the usual finishing point. 

On the non-drop rides (Sunday and Thursday) the pace of the group is dictated by the slowest rider. The group may split up on climbs but the faster riders will wait and the group will reconvene at the top.

All groups will stop for any mechanical problems or injuries. Standish Cycling Club will not leave a rider stranded.

When choosing a group to ride with, the priority is being able to ride in a safe manner. It’s better to underestimate your ability than to really struggle and be put off. If you find it too easy, you can move up to the next group for the following ride. 

When riding with Standish Cycling Club please ensure that your bike is in roadworthy condition, that you ride in a safe manner and follow the Highway Code. 

Please warn other riders of: 

  • Potholes

  • Obstructions (parked cars, pedestrians, horses etc.)

  • Change of speed

  • When moving in or out of the group 

  • Traffic lights/junctions etc

  • Cars approaching from behind

  • Riders dropping off the back 

  • When to ride single file to let traffic pass


  • A helmet (mandatory)

  • Spare tubes, pump and a basic toolkit (mandatory)

  • Water/food

  • Money for cafe lunch stop

  • Mudguards in Winter

  • Lights in Winter or bad weather 

The club is a member of Cycling UK so all paid-up members have 3rd party insurance. Non-members are permitted to ride three times, after which they MUST join Standish Cycling Club to be included on our insurance. All riders MUST have their own cycle insurance and non-insured riders will not be permitted to ride.

During the Winter months, rides are sometimes cancelled at short notice. Paid members will have access to the club's WhatsApp which is the best place to get up-to-date information on rides. Please bare this in mind when joining us for the first time - seek access to information.

Under-18s are welcome at the club providing they have all the required equipment and their bike is in a roadworthy condition. Under 18's are not covered by SCC's UK Cycling insurance and so they MUST attend a ride with an adult. This adult is responsible for them at all times - SCC claims no responsibility for any occurrences with individuals below 18.

We also recommend that everyone cycling with us has the Medical ID (iOS)  feature activated on their phone and the corresponding feature for Android.

When riding with the club you are an ambassador for the club. Anyone riding dangerously or showing any disrespect may be asked to leave Standish Cycling Club.

Please remember that we are a cycling club and not a racing club. Above all, enjoy yourselves and support other riders. 

If you are unsure about riding in a group, the Global Cycling Network has some great tips and videos which can be found at

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